CSS rules to specify families



Since 1968, we have been providing comprehensive support for construction investments.

For over 55 years, AMW INVEST has been undertaking construction projects in both the commercial market and specialized services for the Ministry of National Defence. In the interest of our Investors, our professional services are divided into clearly defined stages.
Such procedures allow for continuous analysis of the design process and provide a complete perspective on the investment

P R E - D E S I G N  S T A G E


- plot capacity analysis;
- architectural and urban concepts (including standards set by the Ministry of National Defence);
- multidisciplinary concepts;
- study concepts and plans for military airfield construction (including NATO standards), civilian airports, and helipads;
- surface concepts for industrial roads;
- public road concepts;
- surveys;
- structural assessments;
- fire assessments;
- preliminary cost estimation;

A P P R O V A L  S T A G E


- utility provider requirements;
- zoning conditions;
- public purpose location permits;
- building permits;

 D E S I G N  S T A G E


- multidisciplinary designs;
- interior design projects;
- inter-disciplinary coordination;
- inter-disciplinary coordination;
- investor’s cost estimates;

I M P L E M E N T A T I O N  S T A G E


- supporting the Investor during implementation through author supervision;
- conducting investor supervision;
- providing investment visualizations for the Investor;


Administrative, office, headquarters, barracks, and special-purpose buildings


Collective accommodation buildings


Residential buildings


Warehouse buildings, garages


Defense structures


Public utility buildings

Sports center for the use of Polish and American armed forces

Sports Hall in Wesoła




Programmatic and spatial concepts


Special infrastructure


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